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Thermal camera for human temperature at public place


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Advancements in transportation coupled with the growth and movement of human populations enable efficient transport of infectious diseases almost anywhere in the world within 24 hours. This recognition has prompted the evaluation of rapid mass screening methods to delay the importation of infection into healthcare settings, communities, and countries. Because fever is a common indicator of many infectious diseases, the rapid identification of fever is a major component of screening efforts. Such screening was used by many countries during the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak in 2003 and the influenza A pandemic (H1N1) 2009 outbreak. Despite widespread implementation of fever screening, its value for detecting highly communicable diseases has mainly been established through mathematical modeling rather than through studies in humans.


MH  Technology Group

---Research and Solution Provider on Thermal  Night Vision

Address:FengyuKou, Xi'an City,Shaanxi Province, PRC.
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